Global Headquarters Office Moves to San Rafael, CA

After more than 30 years in Corte Madera, California, The Pasha Group is moving its headquarters office to San Rafael, California.
Pasha will now occupy a single floor consisting of approximately 30,000 square feet of contiguous space, as well as part of a second floor to support their Executive Management, Corporate Communications, and Legal departments.
The new facility will provide an efficient and productive space to work in, and is designed to promote better internal communication and collaboration. This move also provides the company with significant operating savings which, coupled with an anticipated increase in productivity, will result in a considerable improvement in their bottom line.
“The company is focused on continued growth – and job creation to support the aggressive growth,” said George Pasha IV, President and CEO, and third-generation leader of the company.
All phone numbers and fax numbers will stay the same, but the new physical address will be:
The Pasha Group
4040 Civic Center Drive, Suite 350
San Rafael, CA 94903