Pasha Automotive Services Named Business of the Month

Pasha Automotive Services is January Business of the Month
Article by Dave Haviland, courtesy of KBKW News
Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. has announced that Pasha Automotive Services is their Business of the Month for January.
The shipping business has been in Grays Harbor for five years, and a member for that whole time.
In the last year, Pasha has supported United Way, local schools, Foodball, youth sports, YMCA of Grays Harbor, Scouts, Morningside, Cosmopolis fire fighters, Coastal Harvest, Christmas for Kids and many other non-profits.
Employees of Pasha take part in Rotary and Elks.
“Pasha has been a great business to have on the Harbor, it not only gives back but it hires local people and is growing,” said Georgia Bravos, Vice Chair of the ambassadors.
When asked why Greater Grays Harbor was important to Pasha, general manager Matt Raasch said, “GGHI has helped us network with local companies when we are needing help with finding vendors for projects within our business.”
The Business of the Month is based on excellence in image, employee relations, community service, support of Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. and customer service. Only 12 awards are made each year and chosen from about 500 members.