PST Operations to Resume After the Port of Los Angeles Fire

Photo: Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times
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The Port of Los Angeles is resuming full operations today following the wharf fire at our terminal facility; however, Pasha Stevedoring and Terminals LP expects to be in full operation starting tonight, with M/V Ultra Dynamic brought in alongside B-176 for discharge completion and M/V Martha Pride brought alongside B-209.Â
Our Berth 179, while largely spared of damage, will likely not be operational for approximately 7-9 days. PST will be able to service all of its customers’ vessels using its other available berths.
While the fire has impacted terminal facilities, we are very fortunate to have had zero injuries reported. We are grateful for the dedicated firefighters and emergency responders, and our thoughts are with the people living and working in the surrounding communities as the smoke clears.
PST is proud of the tireless and brave efforts of its own team who assisted in the emergency response to the recent fire at the Port.