KITV: Imported goods continue to be off-loaded at Honolulu Harbor

As appeared on KITV
"We're the lifeline to Hawai'i and we're going to stay operational throughout," Sr. Vice President Mike Caswell said.
KITV4 visited Pier 51 where business carried on as usual.
"We're worried for our own families but we also understand that our families' families also need the goods," PASHA General Manager of Operations Sal Delizo said.
Hawaii's stevedores working around the clock. "You know there's a short supply of masks and hand sanitizers it all comes through here," General Manager of Operations Sal Delizo said.
Two ships come into Pier 51 per week full of food and other items that continue to run out in stores.
"The initial purchasing that everyone has done has wiped out a lot of product and it will be fulfilled after we get the vessels here on time," Caswell said.
PASHA supplies Costco where lines have snaked through parking lots.
Sal Delizo says shopping doesn't have to remain this way.
"We just want the people to know there's a lot of people involved. We are the lifeline of the islands and we want everybody to be aloha out there and live aloha and understand that the shelves might be empty right now people are trying to prepare and stock up but as you can see we're moving we are going to fill the shelves again we just want to ensure the people not to panic and cargo is still flowing," Delizo said.
From the top of their crane Sal shows us containers below filled with goods waiting to be picked up by drivers who also keep coming to work.
"We always power through this kind of stuff. We'll be fine," Caswell said.
PASHA says it's handling shipping but it needs the public to do its part, keep everyone safe and sane while shopping.